2022-04-18 Update

Nibiru Rising – Book 4 is off with the beta readers now. Once I get their impressions back, I’ll revise as needed, then hand it off to the editor.

I’ve been tossing an idea back and forth in my head, and this past Sunday, I decided to take a stab at it.

Sunday is usually my only guaranteed day off during the week, so I’ve long considered making it a routine to hit the local Barnes & Noble that day to focus on writing short stories that have nothing to do with my current WIP. Just something to help hone my skills as a writer. When polished, it’ll also give you, my readers, something else to enjoy as well. So basically a win/win.

Which brings me to this past Sunday. I actually sat down and started working on a fantasy short story. It was way slower going than I expected, letting me know that:

  • A – I’m pretty rusty at this still. I had two solid hours of writing time and I only managed to write about 1k.
  • B – I’m going to create far less short stories than I originally estimated.

My original plan was to write a full short story every Sunday, polish it up during the week, then publish it on my blog on Friday/Saturday. Then start the process over again on Sunday. Now it’s looking like I’ll need a lot more time than just the two hours I’m allotting for it at the bookstore. I’m thinking I’m going to need to double that estimate for the initial draft, at a minimum. At least until I can knock the proverbial rust off my writing skills.

With that said, I might initially try to publish two stories a month, initially. If that proves too much, especially since I’m planning on attempting to write the final three novels in the Nibiru Rising series all in one go, I might only start off with one story a month.

It’s too soon to tell yet, but hopefully, I’ll get a system hammered out over the coming weeks. Stay tuned.