For some reason, book sales have dropped off a cliff…

Not sure what’s going on, but all the way up to Saturday, October 29th, I was averaging around $13/day, both in sales and page reads. Was pretty consistent since the launch of Zero Point. Then Sunday, I only made around $7, then Monday, just a smidge above $2. Today, I didn’t even break $2, so something seems to be going on.

Not sure if it was Halloween trick-or-treating that did it, but as of right now, I’m at a loss for why sales just dried up in the space of three days. Hopefully, it’ll pick back up, but I need to start planning on changing my marketing within the next day or so if it doesn’t.

I’m going to give it a couple of days, but as of right now, I’m not breaking even. I’m currently spending around $9/day for advertising between FB and Amazon, so unless I jump back up to at least $11/day, I’m going to have to do some serious playing around with my ads to see if I can get those numbers back up.